Knowledge Translation

General translation/interpretation is just what you think - the translation or interpretation of non-specific language that does not require any specialized vocabulary or knowledge. However, the best translators and interpreters read extensively in order to be up-to-date with current events and trends so that they are able to do their work to the best oftheir bability, having knowledge of what they might be asked to convert. In addition, good translators and interpreters make an effort to read about whatever topic they are currently working on.Specialized translation or interpretation refers to domains which require at the very least that the person be extremely well read in the domain.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Learning log out class.

Starting a research

Why research

For us to start doing research several times that we feel do not know where to start well. The principle is simple as we need to answer three main questions to be this.

1) Why do this research.

2) What to make of this study. Then do something useful.

3) How will the process to do. To get the answer.

Research procedure.

Collection problems and questions that need answers, select an issue.

(Research problem) that think that a successful and interesting benefits.

Research documents related theories and research.

That have already been doing research to come to the conclusion framework.

And issues in the conduct of research.

A rough set of research topics.

       Step 1, the problem / issue the research.

(Answer the question, "Why do this research").

      Step 2 objectives.

(Answer the question, "What to do research").

The problem with the objective

Of research (what you want to research).

Creating a research tool to meet the objectives laid down.

Literature review and research involved (as Article 1).

BY variable framework, concepts, hypothesis (if any).

Choose how to research -.

Data collection. And analyze data.

By choosing appropriate statistical and accurate.

      Step 3 process is the answer to that purpose (answer "to study or to find out how").

The samples.

The statistics used for data analysis.

Questionnaires used to collect data such as focus group.

Interpret "the results are presented to create a table to fit the data may be presented in many of the same table. Or a single table for easy to read and understand. "

Preparation of reference. "Making reference guide of the Department of Agriculture as a guide in the preparation of documentation."

Research report writing. "It is presented in accordance with the objectives set. Write a concise easy to understand the meaning. Describing the information that should match the results from each of the issues do not need to read all the values in the table, but should explain that the key message from this study. " Appendix "If the information is not required in content. But the reader should know To be more clearly brought out in Annex queries such as ".

     Step 4: report

Why research proposal (that a -1, proposal).

Many people may not want to say that the research process because of difficulties have to do much more complex project (that a -1) before you offer to do research. But why the need to write a research project (that a -1) is to provide a research approach (blueprint) for research. If a blueprint that clearly this is how I have to believe that research is a clear reason to make a clear purpose. As well as the appropriate method to derive the answer. If the project works well, it is considered a successful one already. Each topic in the research project are related as follows.

Association of active ingredients in the research proposal.

Literature review and

Research related.


Research methods include

! Planning information that leads to the answer of research.

! Test plans and improve research and data collection.

! The data collection plan.

! How to analyze data to answer research questions.

Research problem.

The importance and the source of the problem.

The purpose of the research.

Benefits expected to receive

Source: META Nantawut Aram's Rat, 2542.

Aranya Pat Suk, 2545.

To determine the research questions. Should write detailed summaries of the research plan for the benefit of change / development of research questions best. Guidelines for writing a brief research plan.



Research questions.

What is the problem that this research is to study


Why study this problem.


Study period.


Will study how


Selection criteria.

Methods for selecting the sample.

To study with anyone. Look like it will fit.

Characteristics of the samples fall into a study of the problem.

How can random sample covers all

Related factors.

Factors associated with the event.

Factor display

What factors will be reviewed.

Meaning clearly identify the factors used to determine various

And the index level or the size of various factors.

Statistical terms.

Because of the assumptions and critical factors.

Determining the appropriate number of samples.

Data analysis approach.

How to use the samples. Will analyze the data.

Guidance and related causes.

Concepts and equations used to calculate

The method of calculating. Explain why and weight significantly.

Source: Rat Apinan illuminated. 2542.

Problems encountered in the planning, research questions. And solutions.

Major problems.


    1. Research questions are unclear or inappropriate

* Write a research question, but as soon as possible

* Write a brief 1-2 page research plan (Table 1).

    2. It is less.

Questions are too broad.

The sample is too small.

Researchers are not familiar with the techniques used.


* Limited amount of data to be studied.

* Develop questions to narrow down

* Extend the terms of the sample selection.

* Find a source of additional samples.

* Extend the period of study.

* Develop a model of the concise, more efficient.

* Consult. Academic studies and literature review.

To find alternatives.

* Learn skills to use.

* Working with people with expertise, consultancy.

* Consider using methods of teaching and operating correctly.

   3. There is nothing new. Material or not.

* Modify the new research questions.

Source: Rat Apinan illuminated. 2542.

Source: Pornthip. Udomsin 2547. Documents Workshop on Basic Research, Class 1. Between 14 -19 March 2547. At River View Place. Ayutthaya. (Mimeograph).

Waranya Pat happy. 2545. Research Methods in Social Science. New York: Chulalongkorn University Chula million.

Sunisa wish gleam 2547. Remark from the stage, presenting research (2). Journal of Sustainable Agriculture News. 2 f years. May 2547.

Apinan illuminated Rat. 2542. Medical research. Chiang Mai University. (Mimeograph).

