Knowledge Translation

General translation/interpretation is just what you think - the translation or interpretation of non-specific language that does not require any specialized vocabulary or knowledge. However, the best translators and interpreters read extensively in order to be up-to-date with current events and trends so that they are able to do their work to the best oftheir bability, having knowledge of what they might be asked to convert. In addition, good translators and interpreters make an effort to read about whatever topic they are currently working on.Specialized translation or interpretation refers to domains which require at the very least that the person be extremely well read in the domain.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554


The Smart of Father Bantam

1. Poster paper cream color, red color, orange color, dark green color, pale green color.
2. Latex glue
3. Eakeigong size of 1 centimeter.
1. Cut the body with poster paper cream color is a 1 piece and then fold to the dashed line.
2. Then cut the poster paper red color is wattle, crest and mouth is a 1 piece and fold to the dashed line.
3. Next cut poster paper orange color is tail inside and cut poster paper red color is tail outside as model 2 piece. After use the nib of the circus lance dash line give the trace fold up and down the dash line.
4. Finally, cut the poster paper dark green color is wings in and pale green is wings out as model 2 piece, then use nib of the circus lance dash line gives the trace fold up and down trace.

